Greater Raleigh | Durham Chapter

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2018 National Gathering

2018 National Gathering
from Chapter Director Jennifer Shiller
With every year that Safe Families for Children is operating, the Lord blesses me personally and our movement immeasurably!  In September, 10 of our staff, volunteers and board members had an amazing experience attending our National Gathering (i.e. annual conference) and 15th Anniversary Celebration with others from around the U.S.

We were honored to have keynote speakers like Jerry Milner, Acting Commissioner of the federal government’s Administration for Children, Youth and Families (ACF),  Bob Woodson, Founder and Director of the Woodson Centers, and BJ Walker, the Illinois Director of the Department of Children and Family Services, just to name a few.

At the 15 year mark of our organization, we are excited be moving in new directions that will help us to work toward our same vision of creating a world where children are safe and families transformed through radically compassionate communities. In the future, we will be advocating more for child abuse and prevention policies at state levels, better promoting and building family friendship relationships, and launching our new “Just One” campaign to surround families in crisis and host families with real, authentic community.

The two days in Chicago were capped off with an amazing night of worship with Vertical Church Band, inspiring stories, and an inspirational speaker, Bob Goff.   We came back re-charged, as well as ready to serve and grow together in our SFFC-MKE chapter!  Mark your calendars for next September, because you won’t want to miss the 2019 Safe Families Gathering!

Read the rest of the September 2019 News here: