In other news, SFFC-MKE is blessed to have Ross Phillips, Clinical Therapist, as a host parent, an advocate, and a resource to train our amazing volunteers. On August 15, volunteers old and new gathered at Imago Dei Church to learn from Ross about trauma and how to work with families who are in survival mode.
A few takeaways: 1) Trauma often resurfaces at developmental stages 2) Trauma actually changes brain composition and function and can change body chemistry 3) As much as possible, do what you say you’re going to do when dealing with a child/ parent who’s been through trauma 4) Be aware of a traumatized child’s impact on your own family dynamics and attend to these relationships 5) Remember parents of the children–probably 100% of them have also been traumatized, so a lot of the kid stuff also applies to them.
Ross’s Suggested Reading List 1) When Helping Hurts by Fikkert and Corbett 2) The Deepest Well by Nadine Burke-Harris 3) The Connected Child by Purvis, Cross and Sunshine |