Greater Raleigh | Durham Chapter

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Supporting the Support System

A New Concept:
Supporting the Support System
Recently, we helped a homeless mom by hosting her children. On the day the hosting started, her parents (the childrens’ grandparents) came along to ask questions and make sure we were on the “up and up.”  They explained that they both worked a lot of hours with a small home and were stretched thin in helping their daughter and grandchildren. It was apparent, however, that they were very involved and were mom’s primary support system.  We see this a lot!  A parent comes to us not because they don’t have a support system, but because their support system is exhausted, dealing with similar struggles related to poverty, and can’t be the “Safe Family” that is needed.
What if we are not only the caring, compassionate community for a parent in need, but also for the overburdened support system too?  Does that help keep a family intact and a parent redeemed?  You bet it does!  As it says in the Bible, “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24).  We need to encourage one another to think outside of the box and in larger concentric circles regarding how we support families in crisis.  Maybe we can begin to help grandparents, guardians, aunts and uncles, etc. and, as a result, help keep children out of the foster care system too.  And most likely, we will meet some pretty amazing people in the process!